When our worms eat, a wonderful thing happens: They produce a dark, rich vermicompost that conditions your soil like nothing else around.
The menu we feed our worms is thoughtfully chosen, selected and prepared. They’re consistently fed a wide variety of nitrogen-rich, potassium-rich, phosphorous-rich and locally-grown fruits and vegetables, alfalfa, fresh egg shells and rich coffee grounds. Never an ounce of animal manure or chicken feed-- we only feed our worms stuff you wouldn't mind seeing on your own kitchen table.
Good Sweet Earth Worm Compost, when worked into your soil, will not only provide nitrogen, potassium, phosphorous and calcium, it’ll also introduce a wide variety of beneficial micro- and macro-organisms to your soil.
Our Worm Compost can also help change the very properties of your soil. Too sandy means your soil can’t retain water very well. Too clayey means your soil doesn’t have much room for air or roots to move. Our Worm Compost will provide much-needed water retention to sandy soil, and it will loosen up tough clay so air and roots can flow and grow freely. Our Worm Compost is made up of mostly worm castings, but when you run your fingers through it, you might notice a smattering of some other goodies… and that’s okay. In fact, that’s how we want it. You’ll come across a few crushed egg shells, coffee grounds, semi-composted vegetation, coconut coir– and don’t forget worms. These things will make your soil better. Things that grow in soil don’t want things too neat; they want it real. Nature ain’t neat.